Wednesday 17 April 2013

Good News & Good Friends

Hi all

Well the news about Jason is remarkably better than when I last wrote, back then I must admit I was somewhat shell shocked with the enormity of what had happened to Jas and just what would happen to our us and our farm.
Well since then I have calmed down considerably and Jas has had some good news, he has feeling sensations in his legs and the doctors are hopeful he will walk again but warn it will be a long process. Though he is a long way from that at the moment and will require many operations, it at least gives all of us and Jas in particular a goal to work too. He is so determined to be walking I am worried now he may be pushing to hard, but we will see how that works out, the girls and I  are over the moon at hearing that at least there is the possibility we may have him home upright.
He is much better in himself, and I have a lot to thank both Bear and Mal for that.

Bear came up with the idea that Mal take a partnership in the farm, so we would not have to sell it, and both Mal and Jas agreed. So Mal has quit his job and we now have a legal partnership which gives Mal job and financial security as it does for my family,  now Mal runs the farm with me offering what little help I can manage, but that is starting to get difficult with me being pregnant.
Mal and Bear are still keeping and working on their retreat up near Oxford but it means Mal lives and works here, the retreat becomes their weekend hobby.
I have to thank so many local people who have been so very kind with their offers of help, some people I didnt even know very well, it reaffirms that country people are a special breed.

The schooling issue is still a problem but now not having to sell the farm I can concentrate a little better on helping the girls with their schooling, but time management has been an issue with me driving up to ChCh every 2nd day to spend time with Jas.
Bear and Sandy have been brilliant in visiting him, Bear goes almost every day and Sandy and Linda go up in the evenings taking books, magazines and videos etc.
Linda was telling me it was Sandy that got Bear involved in his psychic work at some church  meetings and from that he has become very busy, this is good news because now it means he can start getting himself back on his feet re financial well being.
I went along last Sunday and I have to say it was a ball, I had messages from Pop, Mum and several friends, some people got messages through Bear that had the house roaring with laughter, and he has a dry wit which adds to the presentation. Boy he can be very direct with some people and I felt quite embarressed for them, but over a coffee later one lady told me he was quite correct in what he told her, she was going home to "pull up her socks".

So it seems things are quietening down everywhere, long may it stay thus.

Well I best be away, but I want to thank all of you who I havent mamaged to reach yet, thank you all and god bless you for being our friends.

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