Wednesday 17 April 2013

Good News & Good Friends

Hi all

Well the news about Jason is remarkably better than when I last wrote, back then I must admit I was somewhat shell shocked with the enormity of what had happened to Jas and just what would happen to our us and our farm.
Well since then I have calmed down considerably and Jas has had some good news, he has feeling sensations in his legs and the doctors are hopeful he will walk again but warn it will be a long process. Though he is a long way from that at the moment and will require many operations, it at least gives all of us and Jas in particular a goal to work too. He is so determined to be walking I am worried now he may be pushing to hard, but we will see how that works out, the girls and I  are over the moon at hearing that at least there is the possibility we may have him home upright.
He is much better in himself, and I have a lot to thank both Bear and Mal for that.

Bear came up with the idea that Mal take a partnership in the farm, so we would not have to sell it, and both Mal and Jas agreed. So Mal has quit his job and we now have a legal partnership which gives Mal job and financial security as it does for my family,  now Mal runs the farm with me offering what little help I can manage, but that is starting to get difficult with me being pregnant.
Mal and Bear are still keeping and working on their retreat up near Oxford but it means Mal lives and works here, the retreat becomes their weekend hobby.
I have to thank so many local people who have been so very kind with their offers of help, some people I didnt even know very well, it reaffirms that country people are a special breed.

The schooling issue is still a problem but now not having to sell the farm I can concentrate a little better on helping the girls with their schooling, but time management has been an issue with me driving up to ChCh every 2nd day to spend time with Jas.
Bear and Sandy have been brilliant in visiting him, Bear goes almost every day and Sandy and Linda go up in the evenings taking books, magazines and videos etc.
Linda was telling me it was Sandy that got Bear involved in his psychic work at some church  meetings and from that he has become very busy, this is good news because now it means he can start getting himself back on his feet re financial well being.
I went along last Sunday and I have to say it was a ball, I had messages from Pop, Mum and several friends, some people got messages through Bear that had the house roaring with laughter, and he has a dry wit which adds to the presentation. Boy he can be very direct with some people and I felt quite embarressed for them, but over a coffee later one lady told me he was quite correct in what he told her, she was going home to "pull up her socks".

So it seems things are quietening down everywhere, long may it stay thus.

Well I best be away, but I want to thank all of you who I havent mamaged to reach yet, thank you all and god bless you for being our friends.

Tuesday 9 April 2013

Its a looong time

Hi everyone

Well for those of you who dont know yet, things have been very bad here, Jason has had a very bad accident over a week ago and is laid up in hospital. He was out horse riding when the horse halted my Jas didnt and he crashed through some fence railings seriously injuring his spine and neck.
Fortunatly my lovely neighbour was visiting and she was a registered nurse and knew exactly what to do, justa s well because I went to pieces. Obviously it has turned our lives so upside down;, Jas is seriously ill and I am very worried about him and how he will pull through. I have had Kyle and Mal helping out on the farm here and Bear came down for a week to help and he will come back if Mal or Kyle need to leave, so things will tick over for a short while but it is inevitable we will have to sell the farm. What worries me is its not a good time to sell so how we will come out of it I dont know.
The agent I had here on Saturday was quite optomistic, but then thats his job isnt it. But with the improvements we have done he thinks he will be able to sell if that is what we need to do.
The girls are staying with Bear in Christchurch at the moment, I am having too much difficulty balancing things here what with Jas in hosptal 75 miles away, looking after the farm, house I just couldnt do the girls justice with home schooling so it looks like we will be moving back into the city time soon.
I spent yesterday and today checking out schools and if I chose Aranui it would have been good for the girls as Sandy lives close, but I dont like Aranui school so at this stage it will likely be Linwood or Avonside girls.

Darling Paula is going to let us rent her place in ChCh until we know how thing will turn out if I have to move to ChCh, but as far as Jas is concerned its a matter of wait and see. The doctors are not sure if he will even be able to walk again so its a rather gloomy prospect at the moment.
For now I am helping on the farm, going up to ChCh to see Jas and helping out Sandy and Bear with the Girls.
Linda comes back to ChCh in a week or so so I expect Bear will move back there but then I dont know how things are there. But if he dioes Sandy couldnt look after the girls let alone take them to school, so there is another what if. Bear says he would take them and pick them up whereveer they go but its a big call to ask; but that was before Linda says she is going back to ChCh to live now her Pop is better.
Well I will let you know how things turn out, when I know.

All my love

Saturday 16 March 2013

Another week gone

It may occur to some of you that I removed my last post, the reason I did this was simply that much of it concerned Bear and on reflection I thought I was taking advantage of his right to privacy, and its a right he holds to very dearly believe you me.
Anyway I decided to do the right thing before I was growled at yet again.

Now then this week has been hugely frustrating and exciting, with highs and lows all over the place.
The hot weather is now a real concern and the pastures are starting to suffer very badly, we are feeding out already and that does not bode well for our winter stocks of food.
It is very depressing to see the stock scratching for food in pastures that are bare, it is very hard on Jas as he is such a worry wart and I know it depresses him hugely.

On a high note we had Mal turn up with a young lady called Sarah, there is quite a story to her and as you probably know me I love a good tiddle taddle.
Well anyway Sarah who is I guess around 18-19 is extremely gorgeous is the daughter of Mal and Speedi's commanding officer when they were in the US army, he died some two years ago I think. In fact Mal has been bouncing back between New Zealand and the States with regular monotony, we did wonder why and assumed he may have had a woman hiding over there. In fact according to Sarah he has been making sure she completes her college and that she has all she needs. Apparently her father made Mal her "trustee" and he has been keeping an eye on her.

Anyway she is here for a holiday and watching mal is like watching a proud father, on the other hand watching Kyle my hubby's younger brother is like watching a sex mad  manic with his jaw gaping wide all day. However apparently she has Kyle's full measure and the poor man is love sick with no where to go.

Sarah is a remarkable young lady, she is a fully qualified karate instructor and a whizz with a hunting bow to boot.

The boys took her hunting and while they used guns while she used Mals bow and she brought home two fallow deer while Jas brought one fallow home.

I also have had Paula here with her gorgeous baby boy Samuel and Sammy is such a beautiful bundle of joy.
She and Speedi are struggling with their farm up near Oxford as well and as usual these days its because of the weather, the pastures are just as bad up there. It was so nice to have Paula here for the day, we had lots of girl talk. We talked a lot about my own pregnancy which is with all fingers crossed still going well, but I must confess I do get stressed with every new pain and ache, I so do not want to lose this one.

I saw Sandy during the week, she is busy making sauces, jams and bottled fruits for half of Christchurch, I came home with a banana box full of jars, she is such a whiz when it comes to bottling. Dear old Bear has been in and out of hospital again and goes in for a few days again next week, but he is doing well considering.
I took Sarah into the hospital to meet him as she specially asked if she could see him but sadly the day we went in he was busy on the operating table so hopefully she will have another chance before she leaves.

Well thats all the news for this week.

Sunday 3 March 2013

A lovely week

We have had a lovely week here on the farm, it has been busy beyond belief but we have enjoyed ourselves immensely.
We have been working on a new wood lot up on the back range, it is a long high ridge so we have beautiful views while we are working. We have 6,000 seedling trees in that lot and they take a bit of caring for, I have to admit to finding muscles I didn't know I had.

The girls are finally settling down, it was nice having Bear here a week or so ago, he helped settle the girls and oddly he helped me a lot, it was nice to have long talks with him. He also laid the law down on Jason to slow up and spend time with us girls rather than never be home except at night. He is such a workaholic now it was worrying me, but he has slowed a little so I shouldn't growl to much at least now we do see him during the day.
He is so determined to do well on the farm and that is why he puts his heart and soul into every minute of the day. But having him around the house has also settled the girls down.
He even takes time out in the morning to help school the girls, that lets me tidy house  and prepare meals then I take over the schooling mid morning; so we are getting ourselves into a nice routine.

This weekend we had about 20 neighbours here for a BBQ meet and greet evening and I am so happy to find that we have the most awesome neighbours, we all had a beautiful evening which finally finished around 2am on Sunday morning with a number of bodies spread around the house sleeping on chairs, settees, floor and even cars.
Sunday was very quiet in the neighbourhood.

This week Jas and I bringing down the sheep from the back lot for shearing and preparing for stock sales.

We are starting to feel the effects of the big dry up here, not nearly as bad as those poor souls up in the north Island but some of our pastures are starting to look the worse for wear and we are starting to feed out already.

Well Jason has just popped his head in, this morning he is going up to Rangiora to pick up his younger brother Kyle, they will back later today, I am really looking forward to catching up with Kyle.He wants to help on the round up with the sheep so that is awesome.
 He has turned into a very interesting young man, he also seems to have a long train of female followers in Rangiora and Christchurch so Jason thinks a break out into "boondocks"  with us will do them all some good.

Well I best go see to the girls schooling, so please take care all.


Friday 22 February 2013

Back again

Its been as usual a busy and very hectic week, tonight is the first time I have had a chance to sit down and entertain and that is purely because I have my Mr Bear staying. The girls are absolutely stoked to have their "Grandpop" Bear hear with them and they have been regaling all manner of country stories, of course he just loves it.
I must admit its been nice to have a chance to sit and entertain for a change, even if Jason just works on.

My goodness Bear has been cut up a treat in the hospital so this afternoon I gave him a nice massage with some oils to help him relax and heal. At the moment he is on the RT talking with Mal, they have great plans for the retreat and I cant wait to get back up there to see what has been happening.

They now have 3 accommodation buildings, 1 a container cabin and 2 log cabins, they have a workshop which is 3 containers joined together. They have solar panels for heating and charging batteries and now they have a well with running water, hot and cold. They have a generator room which is a Container buried in the ground with a huge generator inside, though at the moment it is not connected up as Mal is making some alterations.
We had Emmett drop in earlier this week, he is doing very well for himself and is now training for his multi engine Pilots license, I think that's what it is called?????
He has brought a new house near Lake Tekapo, this is his second house, he intends to rent the new one out to help with income, so that boy has his head screwed on right.

Well thats all the news guys from the outback, quiet huh, so please take care of yourselves


Monday 18 February 2013

Settling In

Well we are all done and dusted with moving and settling in, the new farm is much bigger than our last one and requires both of us full time. In fact it is making a huge change in our social life already, we find we are too busy to do all the things we used to do and as of yet we don't know a lot of people in the area, but time will fix that no doubt.
We are a running a mixture of cattle, sheep, and deer, as well as winter crops, so its all hands to the wheel. Sadly it likely means between farm work, housework and home schooling the children I will have to give up my online job, I find I am struggling to meet schedules; its a shame because I very much enjoyed the work.

Jason has taken to the farm with great gusto, he has become quite a workaholic and I struggle to get him to stop and eat meals, and when he does its gulped down and off again. The girls are enjoying the life but miss their old friends, we had some come and stay for the weekend so that was a huge boost to their spirits.

There has been many changes in Bears circumstances, sadly with all the farm work and moving I lost contact with the Christchurch people, Bear was in hospital for 11 days and no one told me. He has had several large operations but has pulled through reasonably well. He and Linda split up as she is moving out to Rangiora to look after her sick parents so Bear is staying with Sandy for the moment.

He and Mal did not end up buying a house as Mal has moved up to the retreat out the back of Oxford, he has expanded that quite a lot, sadly he he still doesnt have a girl friend which is unbelievable considering he is a real looker, we do keep in contact with him most nights via radio/telephone.

Well that's all the news for now, I hope you are all doing well and taking care.


Saturday 2 February 2013

all settled

Yes it is good news and on Friday it was all settled and we started moving the machinery down to the new farm yesterday, we are back in Oxford today to get more equipment and will have a few more days yet of moving farm equipment.
The new farm is a dream and if you know Canterbury at all it is quite close to Mayfield and Methven and Geraldine would be the closest towns, though Geraldine is a little way off..

It means we have some high country land to farm which comes with its advantages and disadvantages but there is so much more potential here. We can easily see the Mount Hutt Ski field from the farm and we intend to build some accommodation huts on the farm for skiers to stay over the winter.

Anyway I just wanted to let you all know things have worked out ok, we should be finally away from here on Wednesday, though we have now moved into the new farm house its all chaos at this stage.

Love to you all


Wednesday 30 January 2013

Im very Angry

Actually more than angry but it will do for on here.

There has been a hiccup in us buying the new farm, apparently the people who were selling didnt have written approval of all the partners and now we are in Limbo while they sort themselves out.
Its on hold while they sort their crap out, meanwhile we have sold our place, we have half our furniture stored on the farm down there, half at Paulas and Speedi's and we have the most of the farm equipment ready to load.
Jason has given them a week to sort it or the deal is off, we cannot be in limbo, if only for the girls schooling. Damn I am really pissed.

Meanwhile we have moved in with Paula and Speedi, while this gets sorted.

Sunday 27 January 2013

We are moving

Sorry about not being on line for such a long time, I have actually sat down several times to write but always managed to get side tracked.

Well the farm has sold and we have sold my house in Christchurch as well, and we have purchased a larger farm down in mid Canterbury About 20 miles from Methven township.

It is quantum leap for us as the new farm is much bigger and it required a lot of heated negotiations between Jason and I but in the end he won and I must admit having spent a few days down there this week I do love the area.
We will home school the girls for a few years and when its time for them to spread their wings we will look at our options and where we are in life and then decide what to do, but that is a few years away yet.

We have been horrendously busy packing and taking stuff down south and today we are doing the really big house stuff. On the weekend we move the farm equipment and by next Wednesday we will be gone.

Bear and Mal have been a big help with packing and moving, Mal is living in Christchurch at the moment and he and Bear are talking about buying a small place in the city, god what a man cave that will end up. Bear got some money when we sold the gardens and he had some turn up from overseas, well Mal always has money; I do wonder about that man.
 I suggested they buy the house next door to his ex which we saw was for sale, but that brought a pile of expletive deletives from Bear, so its a no go.
I think they are looking in the Marshalands-Shirley area which is a real nice area, especially with the mall there, silly thing is I could have sold them my place in the city if they had told me sooner, it was in the Burwood - Dallington area quite close to the mall as well.

Now the girls are doing really well and have spent most of the holidays horse riding, they are now near experts and much more proficient than their mother, well as for their dad; he is a quad bike man. I wont let the girls anywhere near the quad bikes, especially considering the number of accidents there have been recently throughout the country.

Well must go for now, will write soon, promise.
Oh by the way,  I am pregnant again, we are hoping for better luck this time.


Saturday 12 January 2013

My Goodness its hot

Its been very hot out here for the last week or so, yesterday the barometer read 35 degrees. It has been a little scary with scrub fires in the distance, but fortunately so far they have been some distance away and on the other side of the river. Everyone is nervous about what their neighbour is doing, we are all wary of using machinery out on the farms in case a spark ignites a fire.
Jason has a water tanker trailer on the back of the tractor that he keeps close when he is working out in he paddocks and we have a pump we can run down to the river if need be.

Jason flew up to Palmerston North a few days ago to have a look at the farm he was interested in buying, it sounds ideal but very much at the top of the range for price that we are looking at. Also we are having issues with the girls who are being very pedantic and absolutely refuse to move away from their friends, Bear and Gran.
So for now our search continues, but yesterday we signed the acceptance offer so now its down to the legalities.

We have had Emmett here for the last two days, he has been using his helicopter to help with the fires and besides its nice to know we have a helicopter with a bucket here on the farm. Sadly if he inst needed today he will be flying back home later this afternoon.

Mal hasn't been too well the last few days, he has had a very high temperature and Speedi has been caring for him up at his place, Speedi says it is a hangover from a disease Mal caught when they served in the US army, he said they all caught something when they were in South America or somewhere and it comes and goes????
The good news is the temperature has broken this morning, yaaaa for mal baby.

Well today we are off to have a drive into Rangiora to have lunch with Kelly and Gran and then a drive by on some farms that are up for sale.

Love to you all


Wednesday 9 January 2013

We're selling up

Yes thats right and it has been a real quick decision.
Last Monday night we had a real estate agent come around and tell us that he had a buyer who was offering to buy our farm and the one next door, it was a foreign buyer and they were very keen to buy into this area.
Up until then there hadnt been a thought about selling up as we were very happy here, but the price was way over what we could realistically walk away from; so this week we had to do some real serious soul searching.

It has been a little complicated on our end because Bear owns 10 acres of land and he had leased that out to Kurt etc so it has meant a lot of legal foot work to arrange but finally it looks like Jas and I have agreed to sell. As its a foreign buyer it has to go through a number of legal loopholes but we have been advised there shouldn't be a problem that end, the problem of course is with us.

The girls were doing really well at school here and are very happy and settled, we are now having trouble trying to get them thinking about a new school. Of course as we havent decided where we will be that is still an issue.
Realistically we would like to buy another farm in the area, but as they are now being sold at high prices it really does not make it viable, Jason says we could buy a small property (10 acres) in and around Oxford, invest the balance and he could find work  so that is one option which the girls and I like; obviously. I still have my work which is online so it doesnt matter where I am in regard to that.
Another choice is we move to Rangiora buy a house there invest the money and settle down, the advantage of that is we would be close to Gran and Kelly and the girls would love that.

We are also looking at buying a farm down south, in the Tekapo area, but that is less attractive at the moment. We did even think about moving to Australia, but quite frankly that heat and those bush fires really just put me off that.
Jason is also looking and is quite keen on a place up near Palmerston North and as I like that area very much  as well, that option is a biggy at the moment, having Massey University up there it would be good area for the girls, but we will see how that pans out. That option really depends on the price they will sell on, at the moment its borderline as to whether we seriously think about it or walk away.
As you can see we are still all at sea with where to go and what to do, but we will get it sorted soon.

Its been horrendously hot here with the temperature in the mid 30's quite often, it makes it very hard to work out on the farm, my old man (well younger man actually but shhhh) has quite a serious tan now, makes him even hunkier than before.

Well must go I have a heap of work to catch up on, love to you all.


Tuesday 1 January 2013

Is 2013 the year of the Moron

We came back last night from the most wonderful week away, we were treated to flights around MT Cook and Milford Sound. A few days in Tekapo and another couple down in Queenstown. The weather was not always kind but generally we escaped the worst of the expected rain.

Sadly coming home we came back to a disaster.

We have had about 5 sheep stolen and it looks like someone killed a cattle beast in the paddock and cut it up there to take away. That's bad enough but at least we are insured, what was worse was over at the Gardens.
Some total brain dead moronic @!#&%# broke into the Garden store room and took all the weed-killers and sprayed almost all the vegetable gardens,  the lavender beds and some of the orchard. My heart goes out to Kurt and his fellow gardeners they have gone through hell to get these gardens established and in one foul deed it has largely been ruined. Even the new water storage tanks only put in a few weeks ago have been attacked and the pumps stolen.
They took a lot of garden tools and equipment (Not like they will have brains to work out how to work a spade) as well as seeds and young plants.
Im not sure what will happen to the garden, I have rung Kurt to tell him but he isnt back from holiday, but I am betting this will gut him. The police said they will be in today sometime, no hurry it seems as its been done and gone.
It absolutely guts me that people so can be so small minded to cause such chaos and destruction, I hope the rest of 2013 improves.

I haven't seen bear, but I have heard from him via radio, he is staying between Linda's and Sandy's, apparently he has not been to well and is waiting to hear when he goes in for surgery.