Wednesday 26 December 2012

I survived Mayan Armageddon and xmas

Where is my T shirt, with "I survived xmas"?

Xmas day was awesome, it all went of extremely well and all the friends piched in to help with the food so I didnt have to exhaust myself running around.
The Girls had a lot of friends to play with and the adults played very well as well, especially those bullies who threw me into the river, don't you worry Mal and Speedi, I have taken names.

Xmas lunch went well and as usual we had to much food, in the afternoon we ended up with over 30 people here on the farm, we spent most of the afternoon down on the river.
We didnt get to see Bear on Xmas day after all, as Linda's father was rushed to hospital early Xmas morning so he stayed up there to keep her company, but we caught up on Boxing Day and had another xmas lunch.

There were so many wonderful presents and I dont intend to list them all but I do want to thank Speedi and Mal for giving us all a radio set each so we can now keep in contact, they brought Jason and I a base radio station as well as portable thingys, it is wonderful and we spent most of Boxing day talking to people all over the world as well as Paula down the road.
They even brought Sandy a radio set so we can keep track off her in emergancies, Bear got one too, but I am picking he will never turn it on because he hates people  keeping tabs on him; phooey.
Thank you everyone, without a doubt this was the best xmas ever, in the history of the world; well ok my in world anyway.

We are off for a few days down at Lake Tekapo and then to Queenstown, we will be home in a week as we do sadly have to work, in fact I had to moan and growl just to get Jason away for a weeks break. Of course I can still talk to my buddies on the radios, as we have portables as well as a Base station, so Paula keep your ears on Big Buddy!
Wow with laptops Ipads and radios, its like we will never be out of touch with anyone.
Bear we will catch up with you some more when we get home, love from the girls who were growly because you didnt sleep over.

Love to you all
Have a happy and safe new year.

Monday 24 December 2012

Xmas Eve

Well we have had a most beautiful evening here with Paula and Speedi, Mal and his new friend Carrie,  Bear with his two women Linda and Sandy (though I hear Sandy has a new Gardner friend, its ok sandy I wont say a word). We sat around the BBQ and fire (yes it cooled down later and is now drizzling) and sang Xmas carols and told absolutely terrible jokes.

The food is all prepared for tomorrow, just need to be up early and start the cooking, its not a big chore for tomorrow because I started preparing early so most of the food is ready for cooking. It helps to have lots of freezer and fridge space.

We talked about the year tonight the high points and the low points, and I cannot let Xmas eve go without sending my love and prayers to Pop, this is our first Xmas without you and we all miss you so terribly much.
This year has been massive for me, I have got married, miscarried a baby and lost my Pop, but the negative aside I feel that I have grown so much this year and I have so much to be grateful for.
I have a most loving and generous husband (well he had better be generous tomorrow). I love Jason with all my heart, he has shown me what it is to be loved and he has been the best husband a woman could pray for. He has been the best father to the two imps and we both hope we can have some more babies of our own. My two girls have grown into young ladies, perhaps with a cowgirl roughness but they are so happy here. The girls cried a little tonight when they talked about grandpop, but that was to be expected as we all miss him hugely. They make me so proud, its been a traumatic year for them, but with the resilience of youth they have ridden over the rocky waves, yet their mother seemed to plough through them.

I have the most wonderful friends, a very preggy Paula who is and always will be my bestest friend, her partner Speedi, by name and nature he is such a handful. Mal is well, he is my own sweetie, I love him so much for being the big gentle giant.
Sandy you are incredible woman, a heap of health issues but they never knock you down and you really do care for everyone. I am really looking forward to meeting your new friend tomorrow, I hope to see you before lunch.
Bear is my rock, there is nothing I cant talk to him about. I hope Bear I haven't placed to much of Pops energy on you but both the girls and I love you for the man you are, but also the grand Pop that we need.
I know you had a terrible year and splitting up from your partner and children really threw you, I didn't help and for that I am so sorry.
There has been much that happened between bear and I this year that I could not write about, but through each bad blow that happened Bear has stood beside me and my family, I am so grateful for a true friend. I am glad you seem to be shaking off the bad health issues and I know Linda cares you very much, but Bear you need to be more attentive to her, do you hear me !!!!!
If I have one criticism of Bear he is too hard on the women who care for him.
Bear I know you have considered this year as a year of change for you, and in that you sure have been right.
Next year will be better I am sure.

Well everyone has gone for now, we will catch up with them all tomorrow at various times, I have a dozen coming for breakfast and have 17 for dinner, sadly Bear wont be here for lunch as he is going to Linda's family to be with them, we will catch up with him for a xmas dinner.

Thank you all my friends for being the wonderful collection of nuts you are, and also thank you  to the readers of the blog for sticking with me.

A very merry xmas to you all.

Wednesday 19 December 2012

It aint Half Hot

Boy has it been hot out here this week, on Monday it was 35 deg C and apart from Tuesday we have averaged the  high 20's. Some days it has been so hot we have had to stop work out on the pastures for fear of setting of grass fires by machinery hitting a stone and sparking.

Fortunately having a river along side the farm has meant going for a dip is an easy task. We have been talking about putting in a swimming pool this year, its nice having the river nearby but I dont like the girls going down to the river without an adult, so we are looking at what is required to get a pool put in.

The Xmas party at Sandy's neighbours place was a huge success, in fact all Saturday was a ball. All of us from the Oxford area descended on Christchurch early Saturday. It was as well we went early because we found out the Xmas party was also a surprise birthday party for Sandy's neighbours daughter, so we had to rush down to the local mall and do a spot of Birthday pressie buying.
We spent the afternoon down on the beach and then went back to the Sandy's to get ready for the party.
Mal made the most awesome father Xmas  the kids loved it but the biggest problem was getting the women of his knee, well some woman; I really didn't think I was on there that long. He is just such a neat guy, some of the kids were a little intimidated by having a huge giant of a man wander up the drive way in a Santa suit, but when he opened the bag with presents it was a ball for all of us.
Everyone brought a boy/girl present so the kids each had armfuls of gifts. It was after 11pm  by the time we left and then we stopped off at a few places so we  look at Xmas lights, the girls and I used to do that every year it was really nice to do it with Jas as well.
We have decided that this week we will go into Christchurch and Rangiora one night and do the Xmas light tour, there are some really beautiful displays around.

Well I best get going, we are off to a farm auction down south today, so lots to do.
Love to you all and please take care of yourselves.

Wednesday 12 December 2012

Life is hard at the Moment

Oh my giddy aunt I am exhausted.

We have spent the last 4 days cutting and stacking hay, thousands of blimmin bales and still counting. Tomorrow we are drafting a couple of hundred sheep so its been a very busy week here. I have been feeding between 10-15 hard working guys and gals that have been either out in the fields or helping with shearing and cleaning sheep.

I have to say we had some fun while working, but it has occurred to me today that I am not fit, I thought I was, really I did; but I caved today.
As for my hands, well let me say I wont be going to have my nails done again, ever.

On the weekend Jas, the girls and I along with Mal and his henchmen spent two nights up at the lodge, I have to say it was blury nice but I am not sure I would live there, though Bear loves it. he even has his own log cabin up there now. The rest of us sleep in container houses, shipping containers that have been converted into sleeping quarters. I think the thing that really struck me was the peace and quiet, it was almost deafening. The other thing we did that was different the boys have set up a large radio base thingy there and we were talking too people from all over the world, even guys in Iraq.

The other thing that struck me was the futility of keeping a garden there with so many rabbits about, so the boys are going to organise a week of spotlight shooting.

Bear is doing better, he had another scan and what they told him was gall stones is not, in fact they don't know and he has another scan organised after xmas, I believe this is not the first time that they have seen something in a scan or xray and then gone back only to find its gone. The old codger has the most odd system. He is much improved in himself I think, he is smiling and laughing again. We lost him yesterday as he was off to fight a war with some buddies, so I wont see him till the weekend I expect.

The girls have subconsciously adopted Bear as granddad and we noticed on the weekend they were calling him Pops, which is nice and I think he might be chuffed as well.

Well this Saturday we are all invading town, Sandra and her neighbour are putting on a Xmas party for the kids, so we have a bunch of people and their families heading in to join in.  Mal is going to be father Xmas  as he says "Well of course Daddy Xmas was black, we all knew that didn't we"; ummmm yeah right daddy O."
The funniest thing was trying to find a suit to fit him, but fortunately Paula being a wizz on the sewing machine has made one and its awesome, though the black army boots are a give away, please get a pair of gummies.

Well thats all from the mad house, I best go start getting food ready for dinner.

Love to you all.

Wednesday 5 December 2012

Just a quick follow up on Bear

Bear has severe Gallstone problems and will need an op which will require him losing his Gallbladder. He is staying here at the moment for a day or so and is in severe pain. He has to wait until the hospital notify him, which from what I have seen so far the waiting is not pleasant.

Other news is Mal, Speedi and the two terrible SEAL twins arrived back from down south where they went diving, which they say was "profitable" the fishing was awesome and they even brought me a deer carase for the freezer. So I have Freezers full of food for xmas, we have just killed some pigs and sheep, most of the food from these will be given away to relatives and friends.

The girls are doing fine which is great and I am very much enjoying life now, its nice to have everyone back and under my little thumb, especially that old rascally grumpy Bear.

Sunday 2 December 2012

Bear is not well

This is just a note to let Bears friends know our old Bear is not too good. He was taken to hospital in an ambulance and has spent the last few days there. Blood tests indicate his white blood cell count is hugely out of whack so I am not sure what this means, minimum would be an infection of some sort or worse well we wont go there.
Sandy says he came around to her place on Friday night to prepare the tables for a wargame, apparently he has been vomiting for 3 days and on Friday night collapsed in the wargames room. I will keep you informed of progress.

Love to you all