Friday 16 November 2012

Yet another week goes by

It has been a very social for me and mine this week.

We have been to the local farm (A&P showday) day show in Christchurch, in fact we went twice. I took the girls on school day when all the children from the local schools had chance to run around the farm animals and see the exhibits.
I could not but marvel at the difference in my two this year. Previously we went with Pop who would explain every piece of farm equipment in laborious detail, he would seek out every type of farm animal and my girls would just soak it up. Pop used to explain it away as being typical townie girls, "Anne you need to get them out more" was the usual  show day response.
Well this year, my girls now being experienced farmies knew everything, really annoying that is too, but kinda cute. The animals still had a fascination but where in the past they would usually walk past with an oohh or aaahhh and "how cute", this year it was "what type of nuts do you feed them?" "Are they drenched and what type do you use." Occasionally I overheard "Have you tried ........" It sounds like I have lost my city girls who loved barbies, now I have two farmies who want puppies, calves, horses, and Horse riding gear etc etc.

I went back to the show yesterday with Jas  a totally different experience, we spent most of our time talking tractors, equipment, farm plans etc. Jas being so typical spent an hour with 1 man talking about a new tractor and by the end of the day he had brought a second hand one from a farming chap who was looking to buy a new one.
I escaped to get away and "do my thing" so it was nice not having to keep eyes in the back of my head in case the girls wandered off or if Jas needed some moral support, it was an awesome day and its the first time I have been allowed in the farm client tents, another first for the new farming lady. The men still talked tractors and farms in there, as you would expect, we ladies talked horses, spinning wool and other ladies as you would expect.

We picked our rascals from Sandy's place, they had a day of entertaining" Finn" sandy's little dog, they also spent the day completing the jigsaw puzzle she had been working on for the last month, not nice to do that girls...

Haven't seen much of Bear except on Tuesday when we all went to the races, he won a trifecta and got horribly plastered but he made an absolute bundle of money, being my Bear he went out next day  and brought a new laptop and a Tablet. Linda says he sits up all hours of the night writing, both a book he is working on and his blog, so no wonder we don't see a lot of him. Speedi is growling he hasn't been up at the lodge much this week, no wonder he has new toys to play with.

Tonight we are going to Speedi and Paula's house warming party so I am really looking forward to that.
We have Mal here at the moment, apparently he made a momentous decision mid week to go and see Bears ex, after plucking the courage he found she wasn't home. Dont ask me why he went at all,  all I know is they had a "thing" at some time. One thing I have learnt about that lady, is dont ask because it gets confusing and wierd.
Mal is out helping Jas with his "new" second hand tractor, they are adapting something and no I dont have a clue what.

Well its late but I best go make some lunch, I have been really busy all morning; I have been doing my painting.

Anyway lovies, will write again later

Love you all.

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