Wednesday 31 October 2012

Catching Up

Well its been a fun week had by all here.
On Sunday our friend Emmett flew up from down south, he brought his new Fiancée Alesia and she is drop dead gorgeous. He then flew Alesia and I up to the lodge, man that has to be a way better way to get there than 2 hours bumping and boucing along dirt tracks and crossing rivers.
The boys have done a huge job up there and the rooms are very comfortable looking and as Speedi says, they are functional (man talk for needs furniture and a ladies touch). The whole place has an army type look about it, the containers are painted drab browns and greens, there are heaps of camouflage type nets over things. In fact from the air you cant see anything until you are quite close and then all you notice is a small clearing for a helicopter to land in. Speedi they have done that so they don’t get rat bags wrecking the place when no one is there.
We spent about 2 hours up there, had a ball.
On Tuesday evening Emm and Alesia flew up in the company plane, it’s a Cessna I think. He took the girls and Jas for a flight over ChCh, he buzzed Sandy’s place, flew over the city and along the beach. The Girls think uncle Emmett is kind neat.
Let me say Sandy was not amused, I knew where they were because Sandy rang and asked me was the idiot up in the plane, I actually thought she was talking about Bear (ooops sorry Bear), but no she thought it was Emmett or someone that wanted to land on her house.
The farm is doing really well, we have been doing some long overdue maintenance and Jas has built a new concrete patio for the girls and I to play ladies of leisure, I think that’s his way of saying we are a pack of lazy ladies. Well why not when he encourages it by building patios for us to be lazy on.
Last night was the first night in years we didn’t do trick or treat nor were tricked or treated, it’s a bit far to let the kids wander, but we are going to make up for it with guy fawkes, we are going into town to buy up a swag banger thingys and Speedi says he will make some for us (OMG don’t ask). We are planning a BBQ night and have neighbours and friends coming Bear is bringing Linda and sandy out, Mal and Catherine will be there as will Speedi and Paula. The Garden crowd are bringing extended family and the neighbours all are keen. So we will have around 30 people here for the big bang.
Bear and speedi are rebuilding an old land rover, Bear brought it and it was a mess, so they have stripped it down and are rebuilding it so they can use it to run up to the lodge, when I first saw it I thought Bear had found it in a river or something, but no he actually paid good money for it, however now with all the parts painted and spread around Speedi garage things look a lot better.
Bear has finally got his gun licence so its nice his armoury is now legal, up to now all the guns he owned (again don’t ask) were stored at speedis who has gun licence, in fact he seems to have several different types for some odd reason.
This weekend Speedi , Mal and Emmet are flying south (weather permitting) they are going fishing somewhere, I think on the West Coast.
My little family are having a quiet weekend home, I have a lot of office work to catch up on and jas always has farm work, the girls will be out riding I expect.
Anyway that’s the news for this week, you all take care now

Lots of Love to you all

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