Sunday 16 September 2012

Monday thing again

Well the wedding plans are in full force and all seems to be going well so far, touch wood with crossed fingers etc.

Good news is we have just heard Mal is coming back for the wedding, he is bringing his sister I think, but  while she will stay on with Speedi and Paula Mal will be going back to the States next week.

I am more than a little nervous, not so much about getting married, more about everything coming together.
There is a lot happening and so much of it depends on good weather, though we have made provision for bad weather by cleaning out and decorationg part of the shearing shed as well as having a large Marquee beside it.

Things on the farm are settling down a bit now, the lambing rush seems to over with just a few to go now.

Yesterday I spent a lot of time over at the gardens with Karl and Michele, Karl is such a wizz bang with things gardening and Michele has a huge knowledge on things Maori, she has created a huge Maori Medicinal garden with all manner of plants. Many of them quite rare, Karl is hopeful they will establish themselves so they can on sell them if they take off. Some of the plants I remember Michele naming (hope spelling is correct) Makomako (wineberry tree I think), Koromiko, of course Kumera, tutu and so many others, I think she says they now have 25 plants (from grasses to totara trees) in their Maori medicinal garden which will eventually cover about a quarter acre. Of course some of the larger trees and plants will take many years to become establish but they will be here for future generations. The herb garden is a wonder and Bears lavenders will look absolutely great when they flower.

The log Cabin is almost finished and the next project will be a mud brick cottage, eventually they hope to have a Straw bale house over there as well. These are more display homes and will be used as patterns for workshops where they will teach how to build each of these.

Speedi and Kyle spent most of  Sunday up at the lodge, apparently Speedi already has cut out the window area in the new container houses as well as a door, though the door itself is not in place yet. They have another two containers arriving next week to complete the project. Karl is going up there this week to advise on the garden area and what to plant. As the Lodge area has a lot of trees on it they are planning on felling and milling the trees for timber for their own use, the objective is to have 10 cabins up there with the containers being a communal kitchen, shower and meeting area.

I spoke to Bear on the phone today, he sounded a little down, he had a bad work day and he says sometimes battling officialdom gets very frustrating and tiring, especially when you are working for people who themselves are desperate and beaten down.
He is also having more problems with his ankle and he may have to go and have surgery done on it, something he has avoided for so long, knowing him probably too long.

Well thats all the news, Im off for a fitting for my wedding dress tonight, really exciting now.

All my love to you all

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