Tuesday 11 September 2012

oh no the snow

Thank God for Soup!

We have been up since very early morning collecting new born lambs and putting them under shelter, we have 300 lambs and lost 6 overnight due to the snow but mostly to the blizzard type cold wind.

Paula is worried about Speedi who went up the valley with Bear yesterday morning, they were having two large shipping containers arrive by truck, but we havent seen them since they left. They were coming out yesterday. They are out of cell phone reach so we will just have to wait until we hear from them. Jas says its most likely they are snowed in but the snow wont last for long so we should hear from them soon.
I wondered why they were having shipping containers in the valley but apparently Speedi and Mal brought them to use as some sort of building or shelter.

Jas has just wondered in looking like one of the saturated lambs, so it strip of time (yummm) and have a new set of clothes and soup. The girls are home today mothering their children (orphan lambs). They certainly have changed in a year, I am so proud of them in handling the changes so well. When Pop and Cynthia passed away they were my little stalwarts, I am so proud of them.
Of course they miss Pop, but they have Bear to look to as a Grand Poppy and naturally he is relishing the role, when we see him which these days is a rarity.
His job seems to be doing well, he only works on a case by case arrangement so he does seem to have a lot of time off, but then he is away at the drop of a hat if a client rings.

Wedding plans are going so well, we are getting married here on the farm, we just have to hope for fine weather (oh pleeeease do the sunny thing). Bear is giving me away, but word is Bear said he isnt beyond accepting a perserverence payment for putting up with me if they are stupid enough, yeah well he will keep.

Oh God the rain clouds have just opened up again, its sleeting like mad.

Thank god for more hot soup.

More news since I started writing, Bear and Speedi arrived at Paulas place, they were trapped in the car overnight but got a lift out with a farmer, I see a 4 wheel drive on the shopping list I suspect.

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