Sunday 9 September 2012

Finally a chance to Post.

Well it has been an age since I last wrote and for that I am very sorry. A lot has happened that has kept me busy. It seems to have been a month of funerals, first my Pop passed away and then my friend Cynthia also left us, the two combined laid me a bit low for a few weeks. On top of that Bear was in hospital for "corrective" surgery to fix a few problems an early surgery had left him with.

Sandy has had issues with the earthquake repairs on her house but she is now finally back in there and very happy.

My girls went on a school trip to Stewart Island for a week, I sure as heck missed them, but they are home and very happy. Jas and I have had days of the most detailed descriptions of every minute they spent away and the things they have done. They now tell us we have to go back there with them.
The farm is doing very well, we have got through the lambing quite well and I am now an old hand at lambing. The girls each have a orphan lamb so they are over the moon. We also have some baby Alpacas here for the moment so again the girls are having a ball playing mother, though I suspect their Alpaca mothers maybe getting somewhat annoyed at the constant attention.

The gardens over the back are doing very well, lots of progress going on there, they have another 3 new tunnel houses up as well as a log cabin being built.  Bear hasnt been too involved though he was out there this weekend, he has too much on at work and as he says the gardens are best left to those on the spot and who know whats to be done.
Michele is still renting Bears house, I think she is trying to get a mortgage to buy it, Bear wants to move on to newer pastures I think.

Mal was here two weeks ago and he along with Bear and Speedi have some scheme in mind up in the hills behind Oxford, I think (not sure as they wont talk about it with me) but I think they have brought some land in the Lees valley area.  Mal has gone back to the States and Bear is going there in the next few weeks, they will both be back around November.
Paula tells me Mal, Bear and Speedi are importing a lot of survival gear, they have had some issues getting it through customs but it has just last week been cleared.

Now the real news is Jas and I are to be married next week, yaaaaaaaaaa.
He has finally decided to make an honest woman off me, bless him.

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