Thursday 31 May 2012

Im a lucky girl

I feel great tonight, the girls and I had our hair done today and we are ready to party, with no party to go too.
Pop took the girls and I out to dinner tonight, it was great to get out and be normal people rather than just being mum, cook and bottle washer.

I came home from having my hair done to find Talia’s room has not only been repaired back to normal, but Bear has started painting it and kept painting while Pop took the girls and I out. He wanted to get it finished, and now finished it is.

I am blown away by the really nice things my Pop and my Bear have done for us this week, it has been an awesome week and I am indeed a lucky girl.

We are all prepared for our big weekend, Bear has a lot of people coming I was expecting just his friends from the US, but he has others coming in from Oxford and god only knows where else. I still don’t know where all this is happening, but I am really excited, sort of like a early xmas, and I love meeting new people anyway.
His two US friends are called Mal and Speedi, (I love all the nick names people Bear knows seem to have) are coming into Christchurch tomorrow and we are then going somewhere special but I am not meant to know.

Apparently Mal has brought land somewhere round the Oxford region and is to build a home there, and it seems to be close to where Bear lives but I haven’t seen Bear's place yet, though Pop has. He had to drive Bear out there the other day, he says Bears house is being rebuilt; it is small but nice and modern.

Little by little I am learning more about my cuddly ole Bear but goodness it is like pulling teeth grrrr.

Well we are all hunkering down for an early night, I have Bear staying over (he’s on the couch Paula you nosey wench), he is busy making supper (awwww so nice to have a man doing that).

Well good night peps.

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