Thursday 31 May 2012

OMG What an afternoon

OMG What an afternoon.

I have met the most gorgeous men, and I do not say that lightly. Mal and Speedi are two of Bears friends; they are both roughly the same age I would guess in their early 40’s. Both are quite tall Mal would be well over 6ft I guess and Speedi around 6ft but where Speedi is lean and muscular Mal is Huge and all muscle.
Both are quite handsome and extremely well mannered, and of course both are Americans. They were extremely polite I have never been called Maam so many times, I must confess I was kind of pleasantly getting used to it until Bear told them “just call her Anne”; I could have kicked him.

Both of them work in Wellington, though Mal has been in New Zealand for some time, Speedi has been here before but has just this week arrived back from the US. He brought his 2 sons with him and they are drop dead gorgeous as well. Trouble there for my girls who are way younger than them but oh boy those two lads would rock any young ladies boat.

We all met at the airport and then had coffee and just had small talk, then we came into town, but parted ways at the Palms, I think Mal and Speedi are heading out to Spencer Park Motor camp, as that is where we are meeting up tomorrow.
Tomorrow I will meet some more of Bears friends, I think they are Jason, his younger brother and sister and I think their father whose name I have just forgotten. There will also be some other people but good grief after being in the company of those two gorgeous men, god my brain is so much mush.
I know my girl friends will pester me to come, especially knowing there are single men and just happen to be very good looking, but sorry girls just allow me one weekend to wallow in my dreams.

Other news then...
Well Pop and Bear spent the morning going along Locksley Ave, that’s where Pop used to live and I had a house further round the river nearer the rowing club, but today they went back to both places and uplifted the plants we had left there. Initially we didn’t worry too much about the garden it was back then a case of getting out quickly, however now that Pop has got quite a large glass house up and I hope to have one in a few weeks they decided to not let the frosts do more damage to them than it already has.

The other nice thing to happen is I have just finished painting some of Bears models and if you could have seen the happiness on his face you would know that it takes very little to make my big Bear a happy man.

Well then I must go and be a mummy and cook dinner, I wonder what Bear, Mal and Speedi are doing for dinner; I never even thought to invite them, stupid, stupid, stupid.

Later edited to the above

We are not going to Spencer park rather we are going to Mals place at Oxford, yaaaaaaa I hope I get to see Bears place, Mal and Speedi have erected a very large army type tent according to my Bear, who is once more on the couch and snoring already.
He came home rather tipsy and very happy, nice to see him relaxing as he does get to look very tired and tense quite often, he is very funny when he has had a few; even more funny was he kissed me. I never thought I was the type of woman that a man had to get tipsy before he could kiss her, I wonder whether he will remember in the morning, Im sure he will and there will bring on awkward moments for him; yaaaaa. Love them moments.

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