Sunday 27 May 2012

Mother Earth does not sleep

Well another restless night/morning thanks to mother earth and her earthquakes. We have had another host of shakes (10 in 24 hrs) and I am getting sick and tired of them.
As for the girls, well they get quite upset, especially Talia my youngest (7). She was in my bed seconds after the first major shake this morning, sadly that meant mum doesnt get the sleep she deserves as we chat things through until gentle snores means Im allowed to go to sleep.
I finally drift off and another EQ goes of and poor little Talia is again the petrified little girl. As for Carla (10) she deals with them at night because she sleeps the sleep of the dead, nothing wakes her. But during the day it is quite different and she can and does get upset with them.

All our big fears are the house we live in now will get damaged even more and we are forced to move, quite frankly I dont know where we would go as Christchurch has a real shortage of housing at the moment.
Our house has cracked foundations, badly broken walls and roof and a sloping floor, yet we live here because our choices are nil. We have been told they are coming to do the repairs and we have waited 4 months now and they still dont come.

We now have winter upon us and I am betting that is the time we will be told we will have to leave. My dear Mr Bear said we can camp at his place, but that is still being rebuilt after a fire; and it would mean leaving Christchurch and schools for about 8 weeks.

My Pops "lady friend" says we could stay with her, but she lives on her own apart from the occasional stay over from Pop and Mr Bear (dont ask - long story), but as we dont know her terribly well I dont think that is an option.So for now we just sit an wait, I guess the longer it takes for them to come the better chance we have of getting back to warmer weather, assuming of course the house stays in one piece, and that brings us back to our hopes and fears.

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