Sunday 27 May 2012

The Two Grumpies

I Love Mondays
Yes I know I am different than most people who generally hate Mondays, but for me Monday is a half day at work, which normally I can come home to some peace and quiet before I go and get the girls from school.
That is the way it normally works, today I come home and find Pop and Bear demolishing Carla’s room. The theory is they are repairing it but quite frankly it looks like it is being destroyed.

Last Friday Pop had rung CERA (that is the earthquake rebuild people) wanting to find out when they were coming to do the repairs, well he got nowhere except raising his blood pressure up several points.
He must have fumed about it all weekend and this morning he went and brought some wall board stuff and says he is repairing it himself, I told him he was putting my repairs at risk and he said %#@^*&## (Grumpiness terms for phooey), if they want to rip it down when they come they can, but he is not having his grand children sleeping in cold, drafty and damaged bedrooms. Meanwhile Bear is in the background  barracking with laughter and covered all white with messy poweder stuff, as is the rest of my house grrrr.
So despite the expense he has gone and started the repairs, he even managed to rope in my Bear to help and together they are very much the “Two Grumpy Men”.
No one would dare mention CERA, EQC or Insurance companies around here today, should they arrive today to do their assessment I would fear for their lives.

So by the time the girls come home they will have the new wall boards up and plastered or whatever they do to wall boards. Got to say I am very pleasantly surprised but in fear of what the earthquake people will say, but I think Pop and Bear will be here when they come, if they eventually come, so the two grumpy men will handle that drama.

It means on the weekend the girls and I can get down to some painting, both grumpies did mention I was not allowed pink, but hey girls rule in our own bedrooms don’t we.

I definitely need a camera, too much happening not to have piccies.

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