Thursday 5 July 2012

Good news

The news from the hospital continues to be good, Pop is doing well and even walking around, they have kept him in under observation for the night and will likely be released tomorrow.

We are all so relieved here that this had a good outcome and is a very timely reminder that Pop is not a young man anymore. We need to not rely on him so much and perhaps even be doing things for him for a change, though I doubt if we tried that; it would have a happy outcome.

Bear went back to the farm this afternoon, so Jason and I have been running Sandy up to the hospital and helping her get her place ready for Pop. We have finished moving a lot of his gear from his place over to hers, now she is really keen to get him there and look after him. I am not sure he will like being looked after but she is a stern lady and won’t take no for an answer.

It has only been what one could only call a mucky day today, the girls went to bed early and were very tired; understandably considering the time we were all up this morning.

Pop has decided to give Bear the big ute for use on the farm, he intends to buy a small car for nipping around town, bear doesn’t know yet and I am not sure how he will respond; he can be such an obstinate codger. The Ute is a large international flat deck and it is too large for Pop to drive around town, so for Bear it would be ideal on the farm and out in the country and he leave his car here at my place or at Sandy’s, that way he doesn’t have the same issues Pop had. Though Bear handles the beast better than Pop did, the Bear and the Beast, now there is a likely pair.

Before the girls went to bed they have made posters and get well cards for there granpop, so he will spend his first day out of hospital admiring and reading countless cards, poster and letters.

Well I am feeling a little jaded after such a long day, so I will take my man and get some sleep as well.

Love to you all.

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