Sunday 15 July 2012

Sunday and a busy one

Well the family and I have had another work day, however this time not around the house but giving our Mr Bear a hand to put the cover on over his tunnel house. It was slow work and a bit awkward at times but we got there.
I also had a chance to talk with Patricia, Bears new/old friend, she came over from Akaroa way to give Bear a hand, a very long way indeed. I must apologise to Pam for the really nasty things I said a few days ago, it turns out she is a lovely lady and a really hard worker. She is indeed thinking of moving back into the area but is adamant she does not want to move in with Bear.
She is about 50, has two children a son about 20 and a daughter of about 18, the son lives in Australia the daughter Katrina lives near here in Rangiora.
We finished the tunnel house around 1:30 and then had a BBQ and a tunnel house christening “may all who grow in her, grow strong and safe”.
Pam has put the bedroom drapes up that I made for Bear, and I have to say she has done the place up nicely with flowers and vases etc, definitely a woman’s touch there now. I would hasten to add, as far as I know Bear and Pam are just good friends, Pam has helped me a lot in filling in the gaps about Mr Bear, if I thought he was odd before I think he is more so now. It seems he has lived a very full life and I can understand why Bear doesn’t talk about his past, no one would believe him.
Odd thing is Sandra and Pamela both were like wives to him (Pamela’s words), though Pamela did have a husband who passed away she said Bear looked after both of them (both financially and domestically) and in return they looked after him by cooking and cleaning his house; they were all immediate neighbours of each other, but the friendship was just that a friendship made out of mutual need;  neither of them became involved in sexual relationship with Bear because there were always other women in his life. Including I gather his last Ex, boy she must have had a minefield to weave, my hat goes off to her for lasting 15 years with ole Bear.
Some of things Bear got up to scare me ( both Pamela and Sandra tell separate but similar experiences), but it all does help me to understand the quiet man who lives over the fence and shuns company. He is indeed our mystery man, and when I asked him this afternoon about his past all he said was “what was in the past, stays in the past, I never go back, nor will I ever talk about it”.  So that is where I leave it, and I am happy too.
Well the Girls are off to a new school tomorrow, you can imagine how the nerves are here, theirs and mine. The good thing is over the last two weeks the girls have met and played with local children that go to the same school, so they won’t be totally alone.
Kyle and Kelly have gone back with Gran to Rangiora, this weekend Kyle floored all of us by informing us he has enrolled as an officer cadet in the army, Jason went through the roof and is still in a really bad mood over it. He had expected Kyle to go to Lincoln University or study agriculture/farm management somewhere, but now it seems he has to run the farm alone. As I pointed out to Jas, Ewing did it for years and WE can do it as well, we also have Bear who I am sure would help if we need an extra pair of hands.
Well we are having an early night here, been an odd day but a very interesting one.

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