Tuesday 31 July 2012

Wednesday, August 1st

Good God its August already, where is the year going, I wish it would slow down I am getting old to quick - waaaaa.

Well I am being spoilt, I have had Michele staying here helping us out and she has been a gem. Bear and Karl have been helping out working around the farm, but since the weather has been so bad there isn’t a lot to be done apart from feeding out.

Either today or tomorrow Pop and Sandy are coming out to stay with me and Michele will go back to staying at Bear’s place. Pop and Sandy have to move out of their place as repairs are being done there, but Bear in his great genius has decided he will go and stay in the sleepout at the back of their  place while they work on the house. He says he needs to be in town for about 4-6 weeks for his job which is a “on call” situation. Normally he would have simply stayed with Pop and Sandy but as the Gremlins rule the very month he needs to be there EQC finally get their act together.
Sandy and Pop are very happy with it because they were worried about the stuff they have stored in the garage, so with Bear living out the back they feel better about security.
I am especially happy as it will be great to have them here, it also means Sandy can catch up with old friends she hasn’t seen for years.
Michele and her daughter get to stay at Bears farm on their own, so they will have lots of peace and quiet. Having Michele here has been a huge blessing, she has done so much for us and nothing has been a problem. Sadly she heard from her partner who has been working in Australia and he has decided not to return, he has meet someone else. She was very stoic about it and I think having a month on her own will be good for her so she can sort out what she wants to do. She is adamant she wants to stay in the area so she can be part of the gardens. I have suggested she talk to Bear and see if she could stay there, but I don’t know if she will or not.

Well we are all home now after that disastrous weekend. My arm still hurts and having the plaster bandage on is really annoying, but it is more just the encumbrance of it that gets me down. Jason is home after his stint in hospital, the poor hon has massive bruises on the side of his head and he has a neck brace on. They were concerned about a hairline fracture on his skull but have since decided that it was an old injury, funny thing is Jason can’t recall when he got it, go figure.
I have kept the girls home for the last two days but they are ready to go back to school now, so its good to see them get over the whole bad incident. We have heard from the police and the man who went through the Give way sign goes to court very soon, what really annoys me is he got away without a scratch, jeez if I could get my hands on him I would give him a scratch or two.
Well I best go now, this one finger typing is annoying and I have a huge backlog of work to catch up on.

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