Tuesday 19 June 2012

Bear is home and its Tuesday Night.

It has been a very interesting day, I must say I love working from home though I am finding it hard to get a routine going, however I have just managed to get all my work done for today so all ends well.
The Bear is finally home and very tired and sore, but he is very happy with progress on the nursery. Tomorrow he is going to look at getting some cards and printing done, so looks like it is slowly happening.

Jason’s visit was amazing and he is a neat guy, the plus side is he is quiet, good looking and loves working, the deficits are merely he is awkward around woman. Quite a lot of bluster and bravado on the phone and emails but very shy when talking to women on a one to one basis.
He stayed a lot longer than either of us intended which is why my work was late getting finished, but quite simply I don’t know where the time went we just chatted and laughed like we were old friends, it just takes a lot of prompting to keep him talking.
I have learnt so much about my Bear, some of it disturbing but others confirming what I knew, that my Bear will go to extraordinary lengths to protect friendsm and in some unusual ways which will remain with me a Jason.
I did realise something about myself, I could easily fall for this young man he is so gentle and laid back, in fact in most things he is the opposite to Bear.
Please dont take that as a criticism of Bear it is they just have very different personalities.

For example with Bear he has fitted in with my family so much its hard to remember just over a month ago I only knew him from what Pop told me, he is hard working both around the house and the nursery; and is very eager to please. I feel very safe with Mr. Bear.
Jason on the other hand is twenty years younger than Bear and yes better looking, he too is a hard worker but I suspect any woman in his life will be very much on her own as he lives for the farm and the work that needs to be done. He admits he doesn’t like doing household chores and though he didn’t say it I would not have been surprised to hear that house hold chores is the domain of the woman. Yes with him you would get the poster guy, but you get the hassles that come with that and as I am Twenty years older than him I don’t want to compete.
But he has very intriguing eyes and you can just lose yourself in them, he did give me a peck on the cheek when he left, he paused as if he wanted to do it again and I am not sure if I was relieved or disappointed that he didn’t.
In fact on reflection I think I am a little afraid of Jason, well perhaps not of him but what I could be tempted to do. I cant even believe I feel like that it is so not me, arrghhh younger men who needs them.  (quiet voice in my head "meeee"). Is it the thrill that someone wants to spend time with me, or am I creating my own fantasy, after all he did just have coffee and a chat.
He has promised to come in again, we will see.
I think Mr Bear knows how I feel, in fact not much gets past him and I think I may have a talk with him later tonight.

The girls had an excellent day at school and Talia has got a class award and she is so proud of it.
The girls and Bear are all cuddled up on the couch, before they head of to bed, he is telling them of one of his fantasy tales, not sure if its Robin Hood or King Arthur.
Well I must be away, much to talk to Bear about.

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