Tuesday 12 June 2012

A Busy day

Baaa humbug, the Bear isnt perfect, he snores. LOL.

Though to be fair when I nudged him too roll over he did, and then snored some more. Cute grunty snores that later became annoying, to be fair though he did offer to go back to his room and snore there; but now I have him here I am not letting those snores go anywhere. I will have to get used to it. The other thing is, despite his operation and the difficulties he had with from a botched surgical job, he is performing well.

Talia brought breakfast in this morning, they must have been up really early and they brought in burnt toast and cold coffee, but thats ok; its her first time and we were so proud of her.
With four us in the house now, the bathroom has taken on a new importance, I think we will have to work out a priority system in the mornings and not simply the first one there.

Bear took the girls to school and then me to work. He then came back here tidied house, dishes and all and then went with Pop around to Pops lady friend's place and cut firewood for her. It has been mighty cold here today so I bet she has had that fire blasting away all day.
I have had a email from Jason, he is such a lovely young man. Mal and Speedi have organised a caterer, chairs etc and Barrys friend Errol has brought down lamb chops, steaks, Vegetables, fish and chickens for the Hungi. They have BBQ food organised and from what Jason is telling me gallons of drinks of all sorts.
Its been really cold out there so they have hired 3 Gas blast heaters which I am sure will help.
Bear will be going out early I expect and I am going out at lunch time, Pop will bring the girls out after school.

Jason says he has run into some issues over the estate with Ewings family but Bear said he will talk to them when he gets out there tomorrow and help sort out any problems, I really hope for Jasons sake they can; he doesnt need the added agro at this time.
Kelly, Jasons younger sister is still not really coping and I think having all the people around has been a really big issue for her, so fortunately Jason took her to her grand mothers place, she will come out in the morning with Gran.

As for my place I cannot but be impressed with the repairs Bear and Pop did to my house over the last few weeks, the house would easily be twice as warm as it was prior to the repairs, no draughts through cracked walls and no bits of dust falling down.

We had another 4.2 earthquake this morning, fortunately no damage just jangled nerves, mostly mine. The girls seem to be coping with them a lot better, Carla didnt even wake.
I did wake with a fright  but poor ole Bear just slept through it, he probably thought the rocking motion was me nudgeing him because he simply grunted and rolled over.

Well as its a big day tomorrow and the girls are already sound asleep si Im taking my bear off to bed. So good night all.

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