Friday 22 June 2012

Friday Night and the house is full

Its been a full on day today, working has its merits but also the drawbacks and I have to learn to warn visitors I am actually home to work and not socialise. Fortunately I have until Monday to get my work in and I will get that done over the weekend.
I have had a constant day of people coming and going, even friends I haven’t seen for a long time so it wasn’t all bad news.
Bear brought Pop and his lady friend around for dinner, and Jason, Kyle and Kelly turned up unexpectedly, I thought they were coming tomorrow morning, but no here they be. So it was a rush trip out to get Pizzas and deserts to fill out dinner and it has all worked well.

I was expecting Kyle for the weekend but I am getting Kyle and Kelly as well, Jason is going home later tonight but will be back tomorrow, I have asked him to stay over tomorrow night and Bear has suggested a TV night watching Test rugby. (OOOhhh Pleeease).
I have a day with the Pattersons (Jason’s family) tomorrow, Bear has a game with some of his friends, so he is leaving me to entertain them, so I suspect we will have a day of out and about once Jason gets here.

Well not much else to report today so I best get back and entertain my new friends, they are such a neat family.

Will report more tomorrow.

All my love

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