Sunday 17 June 2012

Sunday Night

It has been a very interesting day here.
A quiet morning and very late rising which meant it was the first time in years that I got up showered had breakfast and lounged back on the bed in the sun and just chatted with my bear.
We talked about all manner of things and he has filled a lot of gaps in that I have wondered and I am very grateful to him for that.
This afternoon I met some more of his friends and they are an extremely different group of men to the ones I met at Oxford. The Oxford bunch were all beer drinkers and scratching various parts of their anatomy type of men, where this lot were all of an age around 40 to mid 50’s and were coffee and biscuit types.
The jokes were weird but at least they all understood them and they were extremely polite to me. In fact all his friends are well mannered and considerate, and that does surprise me because my ex’s friends buddies were all heavy drinking crude loud mouth types, but they were a younger age so that probably makes the difference.

I must admit I like being the younger person around his friends, for some reason it brings out a different aspect in men I think.

Later in the afternoon I went to visit some girlfriends, which was very nice as I rarely have had the chance to do that over the last twelve months. Now I have a whole bunch of women who want to meet Bear and several that are interested in meeting Malcolm, Bear’s friend. Somehow I have to conspire a way to make that happen.
I picked up the girls around 5 o’clock and came home to a lovely cooked dinner, did I ever say how much I love my Bear the house cleaning, cooking, gardener type Bear. He is a marvel.

After dinner we played monopoly for a few hours and have tucked the girls in bed. I decided to do my blog early so I can sit and watch TV with Bear.
I believe tomorrow he is going out to the farm, he is talking about staying out there for a few days, I certainly hope he doesn’t as it will make it very lonely in my bed and I have just got used to him being there, even if he does sneak away after I have gone to sleep to snore in his own bed.
His house is almost finished and is live able, if not carpeted or painted inside yet. I want to help to do that, sort of put a woman’s touch in there.
He is very keen to get back out to the nursery and clean up the plants and finished the shade house.

Well I am off to cuddle so will write more tomorrow.

Take care and be safe.

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