Saturday 30 June 2012

I hate Mornings, they come at the wrong time of the day.

Ok Ok I get it, people on farms don’t sleep in, even on Sundays; arrrrggghhh.

I have been up way before the damn roosters, chattering seagulls and of course those ever chattering black birds. The sheep baaaaa and the dogs woofed and Jason grunted, and it all seemed to happen at once.
I staggered out of bed, put the jug on for a coffee so I could face the world, I must have looked like death warmed up, only to see a smiling Mr Bear through the window sitting on the terrace.
Now I don’t know when he sleeps and I did think I heard the car hours ago, but a peek through sleepy eyelids assured me it was dark, Sunday morning so no sane person would be about; I was partially right.

He is very pleased with himself apparently, he has managed to get his Alpacas back and he now intends to put them somewhere in the Gardens. Hopefully behind fences I asked, but the raised eyelids answered what was apparently a stupid question.
So the next stupid question was how he arranged this between last night when he had no Alpacas and this morning when he has, the answer I assumed was people in the country don’t sleep.
Well again partially right, he and his Toff (dog) went for a walk this morning because THEY couldn’t sleep, on the way home he came across the guy who had Bears Alpacas (he probably could not sleep either, likely because of the Alpacas bleeting or whatever Alpacas do in the wee hours of the morning). Anyway this guy doesn’t want them as he is selling up his farm, so he has offered them back to Mr Bear, Bear talked his way into getting them back for nothing If he can take them this week.
So naturally Mr Bear hopes in the car and races around to the Gardens to plot where they are to go, remember it is still dark.
He has now already pegged out where the bleeting Alpacas will be housed and now needs to get the yards up ASAP.  He wanted to know if Jason still had any fence posts he didn’t want, hence he was sitting on the door step with a thermos of coffee waiting for some mug (me) to stagger out of bed.
So Bear and I have had our coffee and toast and the kids and Jason alike have just struggled up, I can only imagine what Jason thought when he saw Mr. Bear and I sitting at the table, me still in my nightie and dressing gown.
Good news for Bear is yes Jason has some posts but not enough, not a problem Bear says I know where I can get some more, now I am thinking some poor farmer will wake up in the morning and find his fences have disappeared over night, well I just hope it’s not Jason’s.
I asked Mr Bear how he was getting on with his web site, he grumped he didn’t want to tell me, because I would put it all over the web, never I said

I wouldn’t do that, so he told me;’ that will teach you for arriving on my doorstep before I get my face on.

So today Jason and Bear are sourcing fence posts, Jason has already rung his friend to borrow the post rammer and fencing is in order today, so there goes my quiet day with my man on the farm.
Im not pleased but I am learning whatever needs doing on the farm comes before pleasing the little lady in the house; well I might take the girls and go for a drive. Yes Jason I will take the phone so I can call when I get lost.

So for now its time for breakfast for the tribe on hand, Bear has wondered off to his Gardens, obviously very pleased with himself, he has got his fence posts, he has gone the rammer thingy and he has got my man to help him.
“Curse you, you Mr Bear”

Well nothing for it but for me to go and make girly playful noises with my man and we will see where Jason really wants to be today.

Kyle you are on family watch for a while.

See you all later

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