Tuesday 26 June 2012

Wednesday and its cold

Good Morning to you all.
It is fine and brisky with quite a heavy frost here this morning. I have one little girl home with a stomach bug so she is wrapped up in front of the fire watching TV.
Pop is here getting ready to cut the firewood that Bear dropped off yesterday.

I have heard from Jason this morning and he is about to go back out on the fencing, I haven’t heard from Bear nor did I expect to.

I am back to finishing of a pile of work, I had made good progress yesterday only to have more arrive this morning by courier, none the less I am not complaining because the pay is good and I get to work from home; I am a lucky girl I know.

I talked to Pops lady friend about Cynthia this morning, she has a friend on the otherside of town in a similar situation but her house isn’t in such bad repair as Cynthia’s, she was going to talk to her friend who lives alone amongst devastation to see if she would like  some company. I know the challenge is to get Cynthia out of her situation and she is such an obstinate biddy, but I am sure Pop and I can go to work on her.

As you probably are aware I am very passionate about the people in our city that are suffering because of the layers of officialdom that is between the desperate people and the beautiful people sitting in glass towers and going home to nice warm homes at night.
The well meaning words and the almost sarcastic sympathy that wallows out from the glass towers is insulting to say the least.
Why talk about Roofs over sports fields, or how beautiful the CDB will look when 4-5 miles from the supposed beautiful centre people area living and dying in appalling conditions. For two years people have been told they could not have wood burning fires in their houses because of air pollution, now two years later they actually have come to the conclusion people cannot afford the exorbitant power prices to keep warm and they are freezing to death. The glass towers have now rescinded their on high proclamation about wood burners, but do they admit the error of their ways, oh no its “because the situation changed”.
Well excuse me you idiots it changed two years ago you, you ^%$#*& people. Grrrr

Ok Anne calm down, good strong coffee should do it.

Well now that is better, I will take of my radical hat and don the Mommy hat and go and see my
Little angel who is really awake while pretending to be asleep, it won’t last long Pop has just started up the chain saw.
And now my day is complete, my beloved man Jason has just text to say he loves me and he is coming in tonight, well that makes the world better’ doesn’t it?

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