Thursday 14 June 2012

Thursday Night and I have flowers!!!!

I have had a beautiful day today despite the cold weather.
I came from work to a huge bunch of flowers courier delivered, it is the first time someone has brought me flowers in years, they were from Jason and they are extremely beautiful and I am in all a tizzy.
He sent them in appreciation for the work I have done over the last few days but he need not have bothered though I’m ecstatic he did. When Bear saw them he wandered off up the front muttering about the extravagant youth of today, but Mr Bear I saw that smile you grumpy old sod.
The meeting at the lawyers went well and all issues have been settled and as bear predicted they really didn’t have a leg to stand on, so now Jason can get on with life and running his farm.
Bear has been out there measuring land and getting estimates for some tunnel houses, he intends to raise a mortgage against his farm and develop a nursery up on Jason’s farm.  He has the lease agreements that the lawyer has drawn up and he is going over them with a fine tooth comb but I can see he is a very happy man.
Carla’s leg has been better today, pop says she has been hobbling about all day quite nicely; she even made Pop lunch which is another big step in becoming a young lady about the house. Both girls are really excited at the prospect of having Kyle here next weekend, though what we will do I have no idea, Kyle is years older than Carla but of course I should know age is never a barrier.
Pop has done some work in the garage today, replacing broken sheets of wallboard and replacing shelving that collapsed in the earthquakes.
I had a call from Paula tonight, she is talking about going to live in Wellington so she can be closer to Speedi, I tried to talk her out of it because its way to soon and she also has a very good job here and they do not come so easy these days.
But if I know Paula the heart will rule the head and she will head off chasing after him. I would still love to find a woman for Mal, but I am really becoming resolved to the fact he is the ultimate bachelor, but he shouldn’t be; he is far too nice.
Well Im off to admire MY flowers, and tease ole grumpy some more.
Take care and stay safe.

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