Thursday 28 June 2012


So Mr. (Excuse me that wasn’t a earthquake, it was my indigestion) Brownlee Minister in Charge of Earthquake recovery doubts there is a red zone homeless issue. Naturally he says that from his nice comfortable office that is fortunately situated not that far from the cafeteria in Parliament.

If he actually bothered to read the countless complaints (including mine) that should cross his desk he would discover not only homeless people but vulnerable people (elderly and sick) who are afraid to leave their damaged homes. Mr. (Where the hell is the Menu) Brownlee cannot be bothered with those people, he would simply disparage those who are concerned. Well Brownlee look under the menu on your desk, or it may be under the Napkin, but there are letters from people like me who are concerned and who do know of Homeless and vulnerable people.
Get off you fat backside and go and do your job.

Hmmm I feel a little better now, sorry about that my dears, but Mr Brownlee the Government Minister for earthquake recovery sits in Parliament and just rubbishes people who try to point out to him the issues in our broken city.

Now to more pleasant issues, my cunning plan to introduce Bear to Carol unfolded today, Carol isn’t well and won’t be at work, so I am hoping she will be ok to come out to Jason’s farm over the weekend and I may still get the chance to introduce them.
Jason rang this morning and we had our 30 minute chat, he has a lot on today, so I will only hear from him 3 or 4 times. We are packing up tonight and going out to stay on his farm this weekend.
He wants me to move some of my things out there, but that won’t be happening for a while yet. I have talked to him about the issues I am having with the girls missing Mr. Bear and he understands it will take time.

The girls and I had a big talk about why Mr. Bear and I went our own ways, but sadly I don’t think children can easily understand the complexities adults can get themselves into. To them despite what they say I know in their hearts they miss the big lug. Good grief I do miss him as well, apart from the practicalities that he was always doing for me, I miss his gentle nudging and reassuring hugs, but most important the drive and support he gave me.
However the girls do understand how I feel, I just need to realise that there is a bond that Bear and the girls have, the good thing is that on the farm this weekend Mr. Bear is just across the fence in his nursery.

I missed my art class this week, and as I looked at my paintings I find I am missing the drive (and time) to sit down and get back into painting. I would much rather look through my favourite artist blogs rather than put brush to canvass. It infuriates me that I get into these lethargic energies, I have been here before and I know it will pass. I am hoping a weekend out on the farm will reinvigorate me and my love for painting.

Well I best get going, without Mr. Bear here I have housework to do.


All my love and please stay safe

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