Saturday 9 June 2012

Saturday - A very long day.

Well my ex arrived to pick up the girls over an hour and half late and still very hung over so I told him no way were they going with him. We ended up having a major spat about responsibilities and his behaviour and he attacked me about having an old man in my home with his girls, all I can say is thank god Bear was not there to hear that and when I told him he just laughed, I just cant figure that man. Where I was expecting him to be all defensive and chest beating he simply said its irrelevant what my Ex thinks so we shouldnt be concerned about it.
The Ex ended up storming off, no doubt to be with his mates at the club.

Bear came in from Oxford quite early, he then was running around town and between Malls buying goodies for Jason so he had food to offer the visitors that were no doubt about to arrive at Ewing's.
I had done a lot of baking and making sandwiches, rolls and savouries.
We loaded the food, drinks and girls into my wagon and headed out arriving here around 2:00pm, by that time there were already a dozen people here so I immediately went into motherly hostess mode and got food arranged for people.
We are staying here until Monday morning and then we will go back to town early so the girls can go to school and I go to work. Bear will then come back out here to help Jason organise things.

Jason's younger sister Kelly had taken Ewing's passing away very badly, but my girls have taken her under their wings and have been cuddling, hugging and chasing her all day. The girls learnt to ride sheep, but they also learnt how to fall off sheep.
Mal and Speedi will be here on Monday, they are staying with Jason and will be here for a few days I expect. I know Paula will be happy because she has been emailing Speedi everyday and they seem to have quite a online romance blooming there. I just need to find someone for Mal, and I have a few girls in mind. If Bear wasn't in my life I could see myself swooning in those perfectly muscular arms, but as I have huge insecurities I would be worrying about other woman all the time, he is just so gorgeous. Nope I know when I am better off. With Bear I feel both loved and secure.

Bear and Jason went of somewhere that Bear calls the cache and came back with the same huge tent I saw at Mal's place last week, they have already erected it up on the back lawn with the help of a handful of volunteers who all knew more than the last person on how to erect a large tent.

Bear's neighbour Errol and a few of his friends have dug a pit for a hungi, on the day of the wake. As far as I can tell the funeral will be on Wednesday and it will be a private family funeral and then everyone will be at the wake which Jason says will be a celebration not a wake, it is being held on Ewing's place.
I hope to get the day off work, but as I have already had several days off this month I am not sure it will be possible, but if I don't I will be back out here after school on Wednesday to help out.

I have only met Ewing once and that was last weekend. He was a very gentle man and he was very much from the old school of farmers and men.I think he was a widower and if so has been for a very long time, he was also another man that was very fond of my Bears Ex, in fact the night before he died he made Bear promise to tell her that He had been thinking off her a lot. Bear did that but she hasn't bothered replying to either Bear or Jason who wrote to her and everyone he could to tell them of Ewing's passing.

Jason has been very staunch, but I know he is hurting hugely, he and I had a very nice chat before dinner and  I know he has the strength to see this through. It seems Ewing came into Jason's life quite late in the process, but the time they had together was hugely happy for both of them.
Ewing has left his farm to Jason and his siblings, and Jason intends to run it just as successfully as Ewing did.

I can see this young man will be quite a catch for some woman one day, I am not even sure how old he is but I assume mid 20's, he is quite fair haired, tall and obviously much more mature than his years. Bear said he is an extremely hard worker and he has no doubts Jason will make this farm work. It would take quite a woman to be Jasons partner because he has all the makings of being a workaholic, and perhaps fortunately for him he is fortunate I dont have any girl friends that would make a ideal farmers wife.
Jason tells me he hasn't time for relationships, and the few he has had he wasn't good at them, oh my god the challenge I felt then.
I know he will find someone to make him happy in time.

Well I am sitting in what has become the girls room, I have 3 girls squiggling on the bed as I try to write on my laptop and that is getting increasingly difficult so I better get them settled as they have all had a very big day.

More tomorrow.

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